Car accidents happen every day so it’s advantageous to know the law. It is estimated that an American citizen is in a car accident six times during his or her lifetime. There were 6.4 million automobile accidents in the U.S. during 2005, the latest statistic available. However, the National Highway Transportation Safety Board’s early estimate is that 34,000 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents in 2009. These fatality figures have been on the decline for years due to safer vehicles, laws promoting safety and enforcement.
The NHTSB released statistics on the numbers of people injured by car accidents where the key wasn’t even in the ignition! On an annual basis, roughly 74,000 pedestrians are hit by moving vehicles, 10,000 are injured by a jack or hoist, and more than 70,000 are hurt by a falling vehicle or auto part. The most commonly reported incident relates to those injured by closing a car door. Each year 150,000 people are injured in that way. One also must take into account a great number of crashes that occur in parking garages or lots; single-car collisions with trees, poles and other obstructions; tragic back-over accidents involving children and others; and even non-crash incidents like hypothermia and electrocution.
Of course, there are situations that occur when a vehicle is not insured. Uninsured motorist coverage is wise to have, even in no-fault insurance states, according to experts. A handful of states mandate purchase of such insurance, but most do not. UM/UIM payment limits usually must comply with the state minimum, but they cannot exceed your liability limits. States and insurance companies that allow uninsured motorist property damage (UMPD) coverage require coverage for bodily injury at the same time. At our San Diego law office, we understand how insurance companies work, even in the most difficult legal claims.
In addition, we manage all types of accidents because we know vehicle accidents are not limited to cars. Every year, thousands more people are injured in motorcycle accidents, bike accidents, boating accidents and construction accidents. The insurance policies for these types of accidents may be similar in nature to car insurance company policies. In some cases, there may be other avenues to investigate for financial compensation from personal injury related to such accidents.
For any type of vehicle accident, it is always wise seek out medical attention immediately and to contact an attorney thereafter. Within a short number of days after an accident, often an insurance company representative will contact you to limit their liability. So, it is best to be prepared for this intake through the professional advice of an attorney- an attorney highly experienced in protecting the legal rights of people injured in accidents.
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