Facts: Plaintiff, who is a male mechanic was sexually harassed and assaulted by the male store manager. The unwanted harassing conduct consisted of the manager blowing kisses to Plaintiff multiple times; hugging and then kissing the Plaintiff against his will; the manager rubbing his crotch into the backside of Plaintiff while the Plaintiff was bent over working on an engine; the manager calling the Plaintiff “handsome” and “my love”; the manager dancing and twerking in front of Plaintiff while the radio was playing; and dry-humping another male employee while in the presence and smiling at Plaintiff. During the investigation of the matter, two other male employees were also subjected to unwanted harassing conduct by the store manager. It was discovered through diligent legal investigative work that other employees had complained against the store manager prior to Plaintiff becoming employed and the company did nothing to address the complaints.
Facts: Plaintiff who was a 17 year old female minor worked at a shoe store in a mall in Orange County. This was her first job. The defendant male assistant store manager subjected Plaintiff to unwanted harassing conduct consisting of rubbing on Plaintiff’s leg and telling her that he needed a girlfriend like her. The assistant store manager was a recovering heroin addict. He was initially hired by the shoe store to work at the mall in South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. While there, he received complaints from some of the customers that he was harassing them. Despite this knowledge, the company promoted him to assistant store manager and transferred him to a different mall. After Plaintiff complained to the Human Resources Department about being harassed by the defendant and the HR representative promised that Plaintiff would no longer have to work the same shift as the defendant, incredibly Plaintiff was placed on the same schedule with the defendant. While working together after Plaintiff complained, defendant told Plaintiff that he wished he had a gun he could shoot up in the air when Plaintiff was around him. Plaintiff became scared thinking that the assistant store manager had a gun and was going to shoot her called her parents who in turn called the police. The police did nothing. Unfortunately, Plaintiff believed that she did something wrong by complaining to the company HR representative and began cutting herself.
Facts: Plaintiffs were mechanics and tire technicians. The store manager subjected each Plaintiff, as well as other non-parties to unwanted harassing conduct consisting of dry-humping while the workers were bent over working on the engines; pinching and slapping of their buttocks and nipples; the showing of images of naked men with erect penises on defendant’s cell phone; asking workers if they wanted to go home early to participate in a contest consisting of the workers dropping their pants and showing the manager their penises. Whoever had the biggest penis would get to go home early. The manager also routinely made vulgar comments and statements to the workers such as “You are too old to fuck”; “Remember when I stuck my fist in your pussy and it came out bloody?”; I would fuck her so good that I would make her scream referring to a customer and “I have a big dick, do you want to see it?”
Facts: Plaintiff was a female food prep worker in a San Diego Gaslamp restaurant. The male kitchen manager subjected Plaintiff to unwanted harassing conduct consisting of telling Plaintiff she had nice tits, rubbing his crotch against Plaintiff’s buttock as he walked past Plaintiff as she was working at her station; attempting to kiss Plaintiff; telling Plaintiff you are so beautiful, I want you to have my babies and “You are so tempting, one of these days I am just going to kiss you.” The kitchen manager and another manager working in the kitchen would drink beer during their breaks and come back highly intoxicated which fueled and made the harassment worse. Defendant would tell Plaintiff, “I would like to bend you over right here” and “I would throw her down on the table and eat your pussy.”
Facts: In this matter, Plaintiff was a minor and it was her first job. The male managers were in their 30’s and flirted with Plaintiff while at work. One manager asked Plaintiff out on a date and bought her a gift. The male managers would hug Plaintiff in a lingering manner and told another male manager who was Plaintiff’s friend that the harasser desired to engage in various graphic sexual activity and positions with Plaintiff. When Plaintiff was told that a number of the male managers fantasized about having sex with Plaintiff, she quit her job.
Facts: Plaintiff was an elderly security guard at a Burlington Coat Factory warehouse. Defendant, a co-worker lead rubbed up against Plaintiff’s buttock while out in the yard. The incident was caught on video. Plaintiff became scared and went on disability for the emotional and mental distress she suffered from. She never returned to work. Defendant denied ever rubbing up against Plaintiff however, the video surveillance showed Defendant walk up from behind Plaintiff as she was checking tags on the back of a trailer and do something which caused Plaintiff to suddenly turn around and walk away in a hurried fashion.
Facts: Plaintiff worked in the position of Food Prep at the restaurant. The kitchen manager subjected Plaintiff to a series of unwelcomed comments about her breasts and body while they worked closely together. The kitchen manager would leer at Plaintiff’s breasts and make an excuse to reach across where Plaintiff was standing to grab something with his hand and at the same time intentionally rub his forearm on Plaintiff’s breasts. During the time the two worked together, the kitchen manager began asking Plaintiff personal questions such as did it hurt when you had a cesarean section and breast augmentation. Plaintiff was perplexed as to how the kitchen manager discovered that she underwent the two surgeries as she never discussed the procedures with anyone and it was not obvious that she had breast implants. While Plaintiff was using the designated female bathroom at the restaurant, she saw that there was a blinking light coming from within the trashcan. She peeled back the plastic trash bag liner and discovered that someone had cut a hole in the trashcan and taped their cellphone to the inside of the can with the camera lens pointed towards the toilet. Plaintiff retrieved the cellphone and then the kitchen manager began banging on the bathroom door demanding that she return the cellphone to him. Plaintiff refused and while locked in the bathroom, reviewed that the kitchen manager videos and determined that he was recording females using the bathroom with his cellphone which was controlled by his Apple watch. It was determined that a person can record and view images on their cellphone from their Apple watch as they are linked together. The police was called and the kitchen manager was arrested. It was determined that the kitchen manager had recorded many females including minors using the toilet. Once Plaintiff discovered that the kitchen manager was able to watch and record Plaintiff using the bathroom, this is how he was able to see that Plaintiff had a cesarean section scar and underwent breast augmentation surgery.
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Facts: This matter involved a family of four adults going to visit a newborn baby at Sharp Mary Birch Birthing Center located on Health Center Drive. On September 25, 2015 at 8:00 p.m., the Plaintiffs found parking on a dirt shoulder located on the west side of HCD. The two women retrieved a gift from the trunk and proceeded to cross the street followed by the two men. When the two women stepped onto the sidewalk, they turned around and saw the two males be struck by a car driving north on HCD. The younger male died at the crash scene and the older male survived but sustained numerous fractures, underwent a number of surgeries and was declared permanently disabled from working.
The claim against the City of SD was that they maintained a dangerous condition on their roadway based on a constellation of many factors including (1) the dirt strip where Plaintiffs parked was never designed nor intended for parking (2) the Plaintiffs could not hear the sound of the car that struck them as the street they were crossing was next to a freeway which drowned out the sound of the engine (3) there was no artificial lighting which made the street pitch black and the plaintiffs blended into the darkness (3) there was dip in the road which made the headlights of the approaching vehicle disappear for 5-8 seconds so when the Plaintiffs looked for headlights to the right they did not see any which led them to falsely believe that no vehicle was approaching (6) the pedestrians were walking at an angle to their destination which prevented the headlights of the vehicle to be outside their peripheral vision when the car came out of the dip mode (7) two years before the crash, the City issued 60 plus tickets to cars that were parked on the dirt shoulder stating that it was illegal to park there as it was a Parkway. After Sharp Health Care complained that they were not given any notice that it was illegal to park on the dirt strip, the City withdrew the tickets and placed the dirt strip on there “Non-Enforcement List”. The City admitted that it was illegal to park on the dirt strip however they made a decision not to enforce the violation and continued to allow cars to park there because Sharp Health Care needed the parking and (8) there were multiple prior pedestrians who were struck prior to the date of Plaintiff’s crash which placed the City on notice. The City argued that two pedestrians that were struck were looking at something on one of the pedestrian’s cellphones and were not paying attention.
During the 8 years it took to litigate the matter, approximately $750,000 of costs was incurred by the Plaintiffs. The City filed two motions for summary judgment with the court which the court denied. An appeal was filed with the Court of Appeal on the issue of whether Sharp Health Care was a proper named defendant in the lawsuit as they prevented the City from prohibiting parking on the dirt strip thus they controlled the dirt strip even though they did not own the property. Approximately 60-70 depositions were taken of employees working in the Traffic Engineering Division of the City of San Diego and multiple expert witnesses. This was a hard fought battle. Instead of having to conduct a second trial, the City agreed to resolve the matter as 8 out of the 12 jurors found that the City did maintain a dangerous condition on their roadway and had ample prior notice.
Facts: This matter involved Plaintiff slipping and falling inside the restaurant as she was walking to the bathroom. The incident was captured on video. Plaintiff had surgery on her shoulder. Plaintiff’s theory of liability against the restaurant was that one of the servers seen on the video had placed one of the trays used to carry drinks to the guest tables in a vertical position thereby violating company policy. Carrying an empty tray vertically after drinks were served allowed the liquid on the tray to spill onto the floor creating a dangerous condition on the premises. The video also showed that one server did not use a tray to carry drinks to a table allowing some of the liquid to spill onto the floor thereby creating a slipping hazard. This also violated company policy.
Facts: The Kitchen Manager of a nation wide chicken wings and sports bar restaurant chain engaged in numerous, unwelcome and egregious acts of sexual harassment and sexual battery of subordinate female employees at the restaurant located in Sherman Oaks, CA from the time he was first hired until the time he was terminated in January 2015. The outrageous acts consisted of dry-humping the buttock while holding onto the female employees hips, hand slapping of the buttock while the employee was bent over picking an item up, rubbing up against the buttock of a female employee with his crotch multiple time while the employee was working at her station, lingering hugs from behind, kissing of the shoulders, hand and neck of a hostess, twisting of the nipples and punching a hostess in the arm and stomach. Some of the offensive statements the Manager made to the female employees he worked with included how he fantasized about engaging in anal sex with guests of the restaurants and the female employees; how he would fuck girls so hard they would cry and their tears would not be from pain but from the pleasure he gave them; how he would allow a female employee to perform oral sex on him and at the same time he would finger them and invite female employees he worked with to watch. While this Manager was working in the kitchen with the male cooks listening, he asked a female employee if he could give her a pearl necklace. The female employee was not from the United States and did not understand the sexual innuendo that was made in the statement. The Manager encouraged her to say “yes”. When the female employee finally agreed that he could give her a “pearl necklace”, The Manager grabbed his crotch with his hand and shouted “You would not be able to handle my dessert.” All the male cooks began to laugh and the female employee became extremely embarrassed. As the case progressed, it was determined that the Regional Manager was also engaged in the same conduct as the Kitchen Manager with respect to the female managers of the Sherman Oaks restaurant. A separate lawsuit was filed against the Regional Manager and the case resolved shortly thereafter. Overall, 3 managers were terminated from their jobs due to unwanted acts of Sexual Harassment. During the discovery phase of the lawsuit, it was determined that this same Kitchen Manager had been fired from the Hard Rock Cafe for placing his hands up a female employees skirt while at work and Chili’s Restaurant for inappropriately touching a female worked he managed. The Defendant never checked the Kitchen Manager’s references he provided them when he was being considered to be hired as they were too busy expanding their restaurant chain.
Facts: Plaintiff was hired in the position of Fire Watch by Transfield Services at the Phillips 66 oil refinery plant in Wilmington, CA. On her first day at work, her supervisor, Cruz Hernandez asked her out on a date, placed his hand on her leg and requested sex in exchange for hiring her onto his team. Hernandez continued to ask Plaintiff out on dates, sent her numerous text messages after work hours, drove to her residence and parked out front where she lived with her four children and husband and asked to be invited into her residence. After Hernandez concluded that Plaintiff was not going to engage in a sexual relationship with him, Hernandez requested that she be fired and he began to mistreat her while at work. After Plaintiff reported that she was being sexually harassed, she was transferred to a different oil refinery. She was fired 8 days after being transferred to the new facility. During the litigation, an associate employed by Littler Mendelson, a national and international employment defense law firm hired to defend Transfield, prepared a false declaration for the individual who fired Plaintiff in support of a motion filed with the court in an attempt to defeat Plaintiff’s lawsuit. The associate attorney forced the witness to execute the declaration when he knew if was not true and threaten that if she did not execute the declaration, her job would be in jeopardy. Reluctantly, the witness executed the declaration and 3 days later she was fired. The witness than prepared a 7 page declaration setting forth what the truth was and asserted that the attorney would not allow her to tell the truth in her declaration. The court during the hearing on the defendant’s motion lambasted the associate attorney and the law firm Littler Mendelson for his conduct. The judge warned the defense attorney that if they were to call the associate attorney at the time of trial to discuss the differences in the two declarations filed by the same person, he would have no option but to admonish the associate attorney of his Miranda rights against self-incrimination. The case settled one week later for 1 million dollars. The last offer made at an all day mediation was in the sum of $30,000.
Facts: Plaintiff was required to masterbate her boss, the owner of a construction company for 18 years. The acts of Sexual Harassment all ocurred at work in the early morning after the work crew left for the job sites. The Defendant also would squeeze Plaintiffs breasts and buttocks and he would send her pronographic videos on his computer. The defendant attempted to give Plaintiff a dildo at work and she refused. The defendant attempted to give her bras with the nipple area cut and and instructed her to wear them at work and she refused. Plaintiff’s boss told her that he thinks about her when he is masturbating in the shower at home. Plaintiff’s boss would call her into his office and have her look at proposals on his computer screen and change the screen to show her pornographic videos which were running on another screen. The defendant instructed Plaintiff to wear low cut tops at work so he could look down her shirt to see her breasts. One day after arriving at work, Plaintiff found on top of her desk wadded up crusty tissue, a bottle of lotion and a pornographic magazine. She confronted her boss about what she found and his response was, “sorry, I was thinking of you when I was masturbating at your desk and and I forgot to clean it up”. One day, someone left a series of photographs on Plaintiff’s desk showing the Defendant masturbating while wearing crotchless female g-string underwear.
Facts: The defendant groped Plaintiff’s breasts and buttock multiple times at work despite Plaintiff’s objections and complaints to the owner of the company. The defendant was terminated and defendant’s employer agreed to resolve the matter for a confidential amount.
Facts: In 2009, 14 year old male fell off his bike and struck his head on the pavement. His mother took him to the emergency department at El Centro Regional Medical Center. The plaintiff was falling asleep at the intake counter. Plaintiff’s mother told the intake employee that her son needed to be examined by a doctor right away as his condition was getting worse. The hospital employee told the plaintiff to wait to be called as there were 14 people ahead of him. While in the waiting room plaintiff’s condition became worse. Plaintiff’s mother attempted to locate a hospital employee to get her son help but no one was present. The parents decided to leave the hospital and drive to the next hospital in Brawley. By the time Plaintiff arrived at the second hospital, Plaintiff was unconscious and he was displaying decorticate posturing. A CT Scan revealed that Plaintiff suffered a epidural hemorrhage which caused his brain to shift 2 cm to the right resulting in his brain stem being damaged. Plaintiff suffered permanent brain damage resulting in the inability to swallow, speak, walk and move his left arm and leg. Liability, causation and damages were disputed. Plaintiff’s contention was that the hospital fell below the standard of care by failing to have Plaintiff triaged right away after he presented to the E.R. After taking depositions of hospital employees, the hospital settled the matter.
Facts: Defendant was late for work and intentionally ran a red light at an intersection and turned into decedent as he was riding through the intersection on his motorcycle killing him.
Facts: Plaintiff purchased a club sandwich which was held together by 4 toothpicks. Plaintiff swallowed part of a broken off piece of toothpick. The toothpick perforated her intestine resulting in the development of a severe infection.
Facts: While plaintiff was in the lumbar department, looking at wood stored on the floor, four 4x4x12 redwood boards fell from above and struck him in the head resulting in the loss of vision in his lower left field.
Facts: Plaintiff and defendant were business partners and owned a storage facility together. They entered into a promissory note wherein the defendant was to pay plaintiff $17,000 after 5 years in exchange for transfer of plaintiff’s ownership interest to defendant. When the 5 years past, Defendant refused to pay and claimed the storage facility was full of construction defects. The compensatory award was based on loss of future profits. The punitive damage award was based on Defendants admission that he had no intention to pay the $17,000 when he executed the promissory note.
Facts: Plaintiff was stopped at an intersection and was hit from behind at a slow rate of speed. The property damage was less than $300. Plaintiff sustained a torn supraspinatus muscle tendon in his shoulder.
Facts: Automobile accident involving a minor. 17 year old Plaintiff was a passenger in his friends car. The driver was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The defendant driver went around a corner at a high rate of speed and crashed into a parked car. Plaintiff suffered a fractured femur and facial orbit resulting in surgery.
Facts: Plaintiff, age 4 was a rear seat passenger in his parent’s car. Defendant ran into Plaintiff’s SUV at a high rate of speed. There was 4 feet of rear end intrusion. Plaintiff suffered a subdural hemorrhage and fractured femur.
Facts: 13 year old Plaintiff was walking with his father behind a Best Buy. Defendant was called to pick up plaintiff and her father. The defendant turned in truck into the path of where Plaintiff was walking and accelerated striking Plaintiff’s right side resulting in a strained right knee ligament. Defendant told the police that his foot slipped off the brake and onto the accelerator. 3 weeks later defendant murdered his mother and sister. It was suspected that defendant suffered from a psychotic episode.
Facts: In 2010 Plaintiff was walking in the street where she lives at night for exercise. When a car was driving up the hill, she moved over onto the sidewalk. After taking a few steps, she tripped over a piece of rebar that was protruding from a dilapidated water meter box set in the sidewalk. As a result of tripping she fractured her right and left arms. She required surgery on the displaced radial head fracture. The fracture did not heal and required a second surgery where the radial head was cut out and a prosthetic radial head was inserted. The City denied they had notice of maintaining a dangerous condition on their property. Notice of maintaining the dangerous condition was proven when a neighbor was found who tripped over the same piece or rebar 1 year before but never reported the dangerous condition. Further, it was established that the water department employee is required to open the water meter cover to read the meter every 2 months. The city employee who reads the meter where the accident occurred had actual notice of the dangerous condition and failed to have the condition corrected.
Facts: Plaintiff was a patient at Balboa Naval Hospital for a kidney infection. A corpsman offered him a heating pad for pain relief. The corpsman applied the pad directly onto his back and never came back to remove it. A nurse removed the heating pad 4 hours later. The heating pad caused 2nd and 3rd degree burns necessitating a skin graft surgical procedure by a plastic surgeon.
Facts: In December 2008, a Marine F-18 Hornet jet crashed into the residence Plaintiffs were living at destroying all of their personal property. The USA stipulated to liability but disputed the nature and extent of the damages Plaintiff’s suffered. Specifically, the defendant contested whether Plaintiffs were entitled to recover non-economic damages for the destruction of personal property. Plaintiffs contended they were entitled to emotional distress damages as a result of the jet and resulting fire trespassing onto their property.
Facts: Plaintiff’s mini van was struck by defendant’s tractor-trailer while turning on an off-ramp from the freeway in northern-California. Plaintiff sustained a disc herniation in her low back requiring multiple surgeries. Plaintiff became addicted to pain medication following the first surgery and required detoxication treatment.
Facts: Plaintiff was walking home on a dirt trail. Defendant was riding his mountain bike down a dirt path and ran into plaintiff at a high rate of speed resulting in Plaintiff suffering a displaced tibia fracture requiring surgery.
Facts: The plaintiff lost a portion of his thumb from a work site accident. When he was released to return to work, his employer refused to allow him back on the basis that he was not able to perform the necessary job functions with his disability. Further, plaintiff’s employer retaliated against Plaintiff for filing a worker’s compensation claim. Plaintiff asserted that his employer violated California law which requires an employer to provide their employees with a known disability to engage in interactive process and provide accommodations for their employee’s disability. Defendant admitted that they did not engage at all in the interactive process and did not provide any accommodations for Plaintiff’s disability..
Facts: Plaintiff was asked to baby sit a neighbor’s dog while she went on vacation. While walking the dog, it jumped up and bit the Plaintiff in the face resulting in multiple scars. The defendant’s dog had previously been declared a dangerous dog as it bit at least 3 people.
Facts: Plaintiff purchased an R.V. from La Mesa R.V. The R.V. came with a hinged folding granite counter top. The hinges had to be pushed on where they fold in order for it to be lowered. While Plaintiff was lowering the counter top, her index finger became trapped in the folding hinge resulting in a partial amputation of her finger. At the time the RV was sold to Plaintiff, a competitor RV manufacture used levered hinges for their extendable counter top.
Facts: A.G. Edwards stock broker Dan McCallister failed to transfer funds from a individual account into a trust account before the death of the owner of the funds. The broker negligence caused a enormous federal tax liability for the estate.
Facts: Wachovia broker failed to execute a sell order given by the customer resulting in a substantial loss.
Facts: Defendant broker recommended a non-approved hedge fund investment to be purchased. The Plaintiff invested in the hedge fund. The hedge fund turned out to be a Ponzi scheme. Plaintiff lost his entire investment.
Facts: Plaintiff was a passenger in her friends car when a Fed Express tractor-trailer big rig made a lane change into Plaintiff’s lane resulting in Plaintiff suffering a tear of a rotator cuff tendon requiring surgery.